Our faculty members all have broach experience as business development managers, innovation manager, change manager, R&D manager, business consultant or marketing manager in life sciences. Besides this experience they all have broad knowledge about science, business modelling and strategy. The following faculty members will be involved in the ”Masterclass ‘Business Development & Innovation in the Life Science Industry”.
Dr. Tim Knotnerus (AM Pharma). Tim is Senior Director Business Development at AM-Pharma. Previously, Tim was a senior associate at Aescap Venture which he joined in 2008. He was instrumental in the financing and support of various portfolio companies including Avantium-the Netherlands, Biocartis-Switzerland, i-Optics-the Netherlands, Ethical Oncology Sciences (now Clovis)-Italy, and to-BBB-the Netherlands. Tim gained both a Science and Innovation Masters and a Drug Innovation Masters with honors from Utrecht University.
Carlos Zwikker (Innoleaps). The past 3 years Carlos has coached and mentored start-ups based on his experience in the Philips Lifestyle Incubator where he was venture coach / investment manager for Shapeways, currently the world’s leading 3D Printing Internet Service. An environment, in which a cocktail of creativity, business sense, analysis, customer psychology and out of the box thinking act as a driver of change and innovation, is where Carlos performs best. Building on extensive strategic marketing and consulting experience, Carlos´ strength lies in enabling innovation, value creation and business building.
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Bekijk dan –kosteloos- de online kennissessie. Tijdens de sessie worden er kennis en inzichten gedeeld op het gebied van waardecreatie, winstoptimalisatie, waarderingsmethoden en het kapitaliseren/ monetizen van de gerealiseerde financiële bedrijfswaarde. Vul uw e-mailadres in en ontvang de video.Mogelijk ook interessant
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